Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

The Hospital has a 4 bedded ICU which is equipped...

Eye Care and Retina

Charges of Hospital's OPD and Operation are very less than...

Skin and Venereal Diseases

Skin Specialist Dr. Anurag Singh (MD), Dr. Rahul Chaudhary

Welcome to Mool Chand Sharbati Devi

From darkness to light .... From light to dawn and from dawn to panoramic view of this colourful world .... working for this object since 1979, Mool Chand Sharbati Devi Charitable Eye and General Hospital is identified as the largest eye institution of Western U.P.

The institution is personification of service above self and far vision of late Sh. Jai Prakash. Motivated with selfless service Sh. Jai Prakash used to provide medicines at the bed side of poor patients prescribed by their doctors admitted in the Govt...

What Medical Services do we Offer?

Mission of the Hospital

To provide global standard eye and other medical facilities to the people on charitable basis without profit motive at affordable costs i.e. at no profit no loss basis in a homely atmosphere.

General Surgery

In addition to examination and consultation, full facilities are available for general and laparoscopic surgeries.. All major and minor surgeries are undertaken. Dr. Sharad Agrawal (MS Surgery) and Dr. Uttam Jain (MS (Surgery) provide services to the patients. The expenses are transparent and quite economical.

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