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From darkness to light .... From light to dawn and from dawn to panoramic view of this colourful world .... working for this object since 1979, Mool Chand Sharbati Devi Charitable Eye and General Hospital is identified as the largest eye institution of Western U.P.

The institution is personification of service above self and far vision of late Sh. Jai Prakash. Motivated with selfless service Sh. Jai Prakash used to provide medicines at the bed side of poor patients prescribed by their doctors admitted in the Govt. Hospital in Meerut absolutely free in the sixtees and seventees of the last century. Motivated by soul satisfaction arising from this service he started arranging free eye camps for cataract surgeries in Meerut for which eye surgeons were invited from Meerut as well from outside. Dr. R.M. Sahai of Jaipur may be referred here. The first camp had 8 operations against preparations for much more but the patients in next camps swelled to hundreds.

Elated from the service provided by the eye camps and the number of visitors, Sh. Jai Prakash thought of a permanent eye service centre at Meerut working round the year instead of a week's camp. He took the initial step from his home by sparing two rooms and help of a service oriented ophthalmologist (Late) Dr. Vimal Agrawal. In absence of trained paramedical staff, strongly determined Sh. Jai Prakash acted even as surgeon's helper/assistant in initial operations. Very soon the number of patients multiplied and the space fell short of demand. Within two years he shifted his residence and in 1979 the entire existing residence dedicated for the Hospital with search going on for still larger space.

This shortage was met by Pandit Pyare Lal Sharma Memorial Trust Society that had been established to perpetuate the memory of the great freedom fighter and education minister in the first provincial govt. of U.P. in the pre-independent India. In furtherance of one of their objects to provide medical relief they provided front portion of their ground in the heart of the city for the charitable hospital on a perpetual lease.

The year 1983 saw the laying of the foundation stone of the present building, the entire expenditure on conceptualization, design, construction and establishment as hospital was met by the family of Sh. Jai Prakash. The hospital was named after the living parents of Sh. Jai Prakash, whose teachings and blessings made it possible. The new building of the hospital was inaugurated on 2nd October, 1985 by most reverent Padma Bhushan Swami Kalyan Dev Ji Maharaj frin where the hospital started working in a much open environment.

Gradually new departments started being added to the eye department as the hospital became a community hospital for the common man, who was neither too rich to afford private medical service nor too poor to ask (sic beg) for charity. The shortage of space continued with growing number of patients in spite of addition of more floors and provision for some more space by Pandit Pyare Lal Sharma Memorial Society. Then in 2006 or so, major part of a floor in the newly developed Rama Plaza was obtained and some departments started functioning from there as Branch No. 2.

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